I’m looking forward to visiting the House of Lords this evening for the annual security reception of ADS, the premier trade organisation advancing the UK Aerospace, Defence, Security and Space industries, a subsidiary of which runs the Farnborough International Airshow.
The security reception has become a popular annual event well supported by members from across the UK security community. Last year ADS welcomed 200 guests, including several leaders from industry and political leaders.
This year is much the same – with proceedings cunningly timed to wind up just as Brazil and Croatia kick off the World Cup 2014, so those with even the slightest passing interest in football don’t have to choose between the rival attractions!
The keynote speech is being delivered by Immigration & Security Minister James Brokenshire MP, who presented Zaun with our ADS Security Innovation Award last year, after a welcome from House of Lords event sponsor The Rt Hon Baroness Neville-Jones DCMG, the Prime Minister’s Special Representative to Business on Cyber Security.
The guest list includes two more MPs, another Lord, the President of the Association of Chief Police Officers Sir Hugh Orde, a string of civil servants from the Home and Cabinet Offices, the Foreign Office and the Department for Transport, UKTI representatives and a delegation from the US Department of Commerce.
I have to arrive at Black Rod’s garden entrance for security checks before heading to the Cholmondeley Room. Its beautiful terrace overlooking the River Thames and many London landmarks, including the London Eye.
I love all the pomp and ceremony of the Palace of Westminster; the reception and speeches should be fascinating and, as ever, it’s great to be an integral part of the UK security community.