FST System

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FST Topping Security Topping Fencing for secure institutions
FST Topping Utility Fence
FST Topping Security Topping Fencing for secure institutions
FST Topping Security Topping Fencing for secure institutions
FST Topping Security Topping Fencing for secure institutions
Zaun NBS Plus
BS1722 Part 14 Compliant
Made In Britain

FST® is currently the most secure topping system available on the market. The registered design has been developed by the experienced high-security design team at Binns and is the result of our programme of continuous innovation.

FST® is a registered design, fully tested and approved by Her Majesty’s Government for use in high-security prisons in the United Kingdom. FST®uses top quality, specially sourced materials, and is manufactured by Binns to the very highest standards for long life and long term reliability.

At the heart of FST® is a steel mesh fixed to a flexible steel bracket that is designed to move when people attempt to climb it, thereby upsetting their balance and handholds. The structure is designed to withstand a man’s weight, so it will not collapse when climbed.

FST Topping is also available in five configurations

Designed to suit the varying environmental demands of every situation.

FST Frame – Particularly suited to Young Offender Institutions. Tests have proven that the FST Frame specification is tough to climb.

FST Mono – Where height or sight lines are an issue, FST Mono, with its single, lower coil of razor wire. A cost-effective sprung-steel frame is also attached.

FST Twin – A highly effective solution with two coils of stainless steel razor wire. Attached to the sprung-steel mesh frame.

FST Max – The ultimate in security topping systems. A sprung-steel mesh frame and two coils of stainless steel razor wire. Linked via motion sensors to an alarm system.

FST Utility – A cranked back bracket with a coil of Swire. This means the Swire will not be a danger to passers-by. If the is an attempt to scale the topping, the Swire will then pull forward.

  • The most secure high-security fence topping system available on the market
  • Anti-climb
  • Visual deterrent for trespassers, vandals and terrorists to scale the fence
  • Fully tested and approved for Her Majesty’s Government in high-security prisons
  • Available in five configurations
  • Ideal for use with any of Zaun’s high-security fencing solutions (HiSecHiSec Super 6ArmaWeave)
  • It can be used on fences, walls and buildings

CPD Material

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