The Challenge
Kent County Council wanted one-off architectural fencing for its keynote public square, the focal point of a new £16.5m town centre, to celebrate famous Ashford-born mathematician John Wallis.
The scheme next to Victoria Road School in Ashford was designed by an artist to commemorate the work of Wallis, a pioneer who developed various mathematical theories and introduced the symbol for infinity. Unfortunately, it required a natural edge to the square that reduced visibility through to the school beyond.
The Solution
Zaun drew on its specialist bespoke construction skills to produce a complex fencing solution with parallel perforated panels of different-sized holes, creating a zany fence line up to a height of 4m.
Different materials and finishes have been used to create an art trail with etched text and symbols relating to his work.
Zaun and the main contractor, Volker Fitzpatrick, accommodated several changes from the original designs to reduce overall scheme costs. A pavilion was replaced with an additional planting area, and the architectural fencing was adapted.
The £16.5m project secured funding from the Departments for Communities and Local Government and Transport.
Victoria Way is a new route to the south of the town centre to link the International Station at Beaver Road and the A28 Chart Road providing better access to the heart of the town.
The new road opened in late 2011, providing an attractive, tree-lined avenue from Victoria Road through brownfield industrial land to join with the A28 near Matalan, and includes John Wallis Square, public art displays and new shops restaurants, cafes and homes.