Although the battle with COVID-19 is not yet over, lockdown restrictions in the UK and worldwide are beginning to ease. As a result, many businesses can re-open once again and welcome employees and customers back. Some individuals, however, feel anxious about lockdown restrictions easing. To help ease these anxieties, fencing can be used; here’s how…
1. Access Control
Many businesses are currently only able to open if they limit how many employees/customers they have on their premises at any time, making access control of vital importance. Fencing and gates can regulate how many people can enter/leave your property and help you restrict access to the property. For example, pedestrian and vehicle access systems can help monitor shipments and employees entering your workplace. These systems can be used to control the flow of people entering and exiting your property, ensuring social distancing measures are being kept.
2. Social distancing systems
Temporary fencing and railings can be used as an effective virus mitigation system as social distancing screens and fences. Social distancing fencing and panels will help to remind customers to follow social distancing guidelines at all times. They will prevent customers and employees from standing or working too close together. Fencing can also be used within buildings and factories to guide staff and visitors to adhere to social distancing measures and help your employees feel safe and protected.
3. Security
If you are reducing your opening hours or have decided to keep your business closed for the foreseeable future, fencing can help to keep your business safe and secure when not in use. Many fencing options are available, such as temporary fencing, perimeter fencing, and welded mesh fencing solutions. Fencing can successfully keep your business safe by deterring criminals and stopping opportunists from vandalising or harming your property.
4. Queuing
If you require your customers to queue outside your business, temporary fencing is a great way to outline your queuing space and keep your customers safe from other pedestrians. In addition, customers will feel safer in a designated queuing space as they will not feel as vulnerable or exposed.
To learn more about how to post lockdown fencing can keep your customers and employees safe in a post-lockdown world, do not hesitate to contact Zaun today. No matter what industry you work in or how you need to adapt to survive the pandemic, we can create security and fencing solutions you can count on.