The traditional choice of fencing for outdoor tennis courts has always been chainlink. However, this medium is prone to damage and does not boast the longest life span, especially when exposed to regular punishment on the club or municipal courts.
When faced with replacing your outdoor tennis court fencing, you may not have considered using mesh. However, here are some excellent reasons why mesh fencing would make the perfect medium for enclosing your outdoor tennis courts.
Chainlink fencing quickly begins to sag, bow and look tatty. Mesh holds its shape much better than chainlink, and you can even have it sign-written with your club name and logo if you want to. The result is a neat and impressive-looking finish that adds aesthetic appeal to your courts.
Municipal courts can be vulnerable to attack by vandals, and chainlink is easily damaged and scaled by would-be intruders. Mesh fencing is manufactured to withstand attack, making it more difficult to damage. In addition, the rounded top of mesh fencing makes it extremely difficult to climb over, keeping your courts secure and protected from those who would cause malicious damage.
Keep courts clean
Tennis court maintenance can be very labour-intensive and time-consuming. In addition, outdoor courts fenced with chainlinks are prone to accumulating leaves, litter and other wind-blown debris. Mesh fencing provides a more secure barrier to wind-borne detritus, keeping your courts cleaner, saving you work, and avoiding downtime for cleaning.
Preventing moss and lichen growth
One major problem with outdoor tennis courts is moss and lichen on the court surface and surrounding area. These plants can be a particular issue on shady courts that are surrounded by trees. Moss spores are wind-borne, blowing onto the court surface where they quickly gain a foothold. In addition, chainlink fencing allows moss spores and other weed seeds to blow straight onto the court surface, where they quickly colonise, making the courts slippery and damaging the playing surface.
The more closed construction of mesh fencing is very effective at preventing spores and seeds from entering the tennis courts, saving you the time and hassle of dealing with outbreaks of weeds.
If you’re thinking of replacing the fencing around your outdoor tennis courts, Advantage Tennis mesh provides the perfect solution – game, set, and match! Contact Zaun today!