High-security fencing protects important sites from intruders and is used famously at world events like the NATO summit and the Olympics. However, other key sites need to use high-security fencing; one of these is data centres. While many businesses focus on cybersecurity to keep their important information safe, they mustn’t fail to neglect the importance of physical security.
What are data centres?
A data centre is a secure facility where businesses choose to house their key IT infrastructure. This includes storage systems, switches and servers. Instead of keeping this infrastructure in house, many businesses choose to store it in a data centre, which could be shared with other businesses and organisations. Businesses also don’t have to deal with the centre directly to use the facilities. If they use any cloud-based services, this data is also located in data centres.
How fencing can help
The data held in these centres are susceptible and contains private information. Therefore, appropriate protection must be used to ensure that no intruders can access the data centre. High-security fencing is an essential protection option for data centres. Some guidelines and standards measure how secure a fence is for this purpose. Depending on the level of protection the fence offers, it will be graded between SR1 to SR4, in line with the Loss Prevention Standard 1175. In addition, the PAS 68 HVM benchmark is used to measure how well the fence can protect against vehicle-borne breaches.
Integrated systems
To fully protect against intruders, data centres need integrated systems. These systems incorporate the high-security fence, buried perimeter intruder detection, CCTV cameras, alarm triggers and high-tech video analytics. With these sophisticated systems, intruders will be spotted and deterred from entering instantly, ensuring data protection.
Zaun Fencing can help you to protect your data centre. We provide high-tech perimeter fencing which offers reliable protection and security, keeping your data out of the wrong hands. For more information, contact us today.