When you purchase security fencing, you can choose to install it yourself or have it installed professionally by the provider. Some business and organisation owners opt to have security fencing installed by their own team because they believe they are concerned about installation costs or believe that they are best placed to understand their security requirements. Here at Zaun, however, we believe that professional installation is almost always the wisest course. Even if your business or organisation has the workforce to install security fencing in-house, the professional installation offers numerous benefits. We’ll examine them in today’s blog post.
1. Duration
Galvanised steel mesh fences can last for twenty-five years and beyond, provided they aren’t placed in highly corrosive environments without the correct specified coatings. As a result, if your security solution is properly specified and installed, it could endure longer. However, even the sturdiest fences will topple or break if they aren’t set up carefully. By having your security fencing installed by professionals, you can ensure that it will survive as long as possible, thereby saving yourself time, money and effort in the long run.
2. Speed
If you don’t have much experience installing fencing, it might take you and your team several weeks to successfully set up a new security fence. This is perfectly understandable: you have a business to helm, after all. However, during this time, your site or premises may be vulnerable to intruders. In comparison, experienced professionals can set up a fencing-based perimeter in a matter of days.
3. Expertise
Security fencing experts can identify weak points in your site or premises and set up a fencing perimeter that helps to defend them. Even if you know where your weak points are, you might not be certain about how to address them. Professionals will be certain. By opting for professional installation, you can ensure that your perimeter enjoys maximum security.
Here at Zaun, we don’t just sell security fencing. We can also survey your site, create a custom security solution for you and arrange for it to be installed for you by our partners. Because we started in 1996, we have over twenty years experience. Having your fencing installed professionally is always a good idea. Having your fencing installed by Zaun is an excellent idea indeed.