Did you know that security fencing is much more important than the majority of people think? Of course, most people realise that security fencing is a vital component of security operations around the world. However, most people don’t realise that our society literally couldn’t function properly without highly secure fencing and barriers. That may sound like an overstatement, but it’s absolutely true! Perimeter fencing protects so much of our civilisation’s vital infrastructure that it is impossible to imagine what life might be like without it. In fact, we’ve created a list of three areas where barriers and fencing are indispensable and are used to protect our society.
1. Airports and other public transport hubs
Airports, railways stations and other public transport hubs are obvious targets for terrorist attacks and criminal activity. After all, citizens need to be able to move freely for our global society to function. Any attack on transport infrastructure would therefore be very damaging. Luckily, however, security barriers and fencing help to prevent unauthorised individuals from entering public transport hubs and from accessing areas where they could do serious damage. In other words, our transport system is what makes our globalised civilisation possible and security fencing is what makes our transport system possible.
2. Military operations
It is a sad reality that most nation’s need to maintain military forces to protect themselves. So, naturally, these military forces need to have secure areas to train and carry out operations. Perimeter fencing plays a crucial role in defining and protecting these areas. Thus, the security of our nation’s armed forces depends partly on security fencing.
3. Private enterprise
Businesses that buy and sell physical goods are a crucial pillar of our economic system. Security fences are used to protect the premises that these businesses use. This enables them to supply the products we all need without worrying about theft or property damage. Ergo, security fencing helps to ensure the viability of a large part of our economy.
The truth is that security barriers and fencing are essential in countless areas of society: the three examples we have listed here are merely the most obvious and important. If your organisation requires high-quality security fencing, contact us: we understand how vital it is.
Looking for fencing for your site? Contact Zaun today!